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Monday, June 4, 2007

Not All Video Conference Calling Services Are The Same - Careful Research Can Save You Money

Sometimes it isn't always possible to attend meetings and business presentations all the time, not to mention keep in touch with prospective clients on a regular basis. Well, what is a person to do then? One of the best options available has to be conference calling, but how do you know which video conference call service to choose. Well, that can be tough, but with proper research and some common sense, it shouldn't be that big of a problem.

There are many different options to consider when hosting a conference call, and each should be examined before settling down with a specific type of service. There are three basic types of conference call services. There’s the operator-assisted conference, instant conferencing, and then there’s the teleconferences with the use of the internet. The one you choose will depend on the service you wish to provide to your callers, as well as how much money you wish to spend.

The operator assisted conference calls are usually a bit more expensive and are more formal than an instant conference. They also have many more features as well, such as recording and/or muting people participating in the conference call. The instant conference is just the basic essentials that allow the host to be in control, but only to a certain extent, which makes operator assisted conference calls much more desirable. Teleconferences are becoming quite popular as well, but all participants must have similar networking capabilities, which some consider to be a small downside, but the benefits of these web based conferences outweigh that minor "downside".

During your conference call you will have a multitude of options to choose from. You can have a roll call, which means that each new person who calls in to participate will be announced and have a chance to introduce themselves to the rest of the group. You may also have a moderated question and answer session at the end of the conference call. If you wish to record the entire conference you can ask the operator, if it’s an operator assisted call that is, and they will record it for you. You may then use the recording as you wish, on your website to inform others or in any other manner you wish.

The price of your video conference call will vary from company to company, like any other product. The different services that you choose to have will decide the price of the conference call. How many people participate and how long the conference lasts will also be a large factor, so keep that in mind also. Carefully researching and looking over each company's prices can potentially save you quite a bit of money. If you’re careful and you take your time, you should be able to choose the right conference call services for you with little or no frustration.



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